Coconut Bedding

natural bedding for healthy pets!
"Every animal has its own little animal!"
... following this truism, different litter mixtures are developed and the respective mixtures are specially tailored to the needs of a wide variety of pets.
Whether for terrarium animals, guinea pigs, dwarf rabbits or chickens: we have the right mix for all animals! CURRENTLY NEW: The litter specially developed for chickens, to which the smallest mussel shells are added, in order to provide natural support for the chafing and scraping of the chickens.

100 percent "eco"
... because our bedding is obtained exclusively from the shells of the nuts of untreated coconut palms.
100 percent "renewable"
… Natural offspring year after year.
100 percent "nature"
... because this litter made of natural coconut fibers is suitable for composting and biodegradable.
100 percent "CLEAN"
... absorbs four times its own weight and absorbs liquids and unpleasant smells like a sponge.
100 percent "cuddly comfort"
... because »coconut bedding« as a warm, soft underlay increases the feel-good factor everywhere and is ideal for

• Litter boxes
• Rodent homes for dwarf rabbits and guinea pigs
• Terrariums
• Chicken houses

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